NSW State links
Organisation |
Description |
Web Address |
Local Land Services |
We work with land managers and the community to improve primary production within healthy landscapes, across natural resource management, biosecurity, animal health & welfare and emergency management. |
Office of Environment and Heritage |
OEH cares for and protects NSW’s environment and heritage, which includes the natural environment, Aboriginal country, culture and heritage, and built heritage.
NSW Office of Water |
DPI Water is responsible for the management of the state's surface water and groundwater resources, and reports to the NSW Government on water policy and the administration of legislation such as the Water Management Act 2000 and Water Act 1912. The NSW Office of Water plays a major role in algal management, research and regional algal coordination. More details on this can be found at: http://www.water.nsw.gov.au/water-management/water-quality/algal-information |
NSW Fisheries |
DPI Fisheries is responsible for freshwater to marine aquatic areas, including recreation and commercial fishing, as well as compliance, research, aquaculture, biosecurity, habitat management and Marine Protected Areas. There’s lots of helpful information on their website, including freshwater pests at: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/pests-diseases/freshwater-pests |
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Park management in National Parks and Wildlife Reserves, and outdoor education activities and walks. |