Useful Links

NSW State links



Web Address

Local Land Services

We work with land managers and the community to improve primary production within healthy landscapes, across natural resource management, biosecurity, animal health & welfare and emergency management.



Office of Environment and Heritage

OEH cares for and protects NSW’s environment and heritage, which includes the natural environment, Aboriginal country, culture and heritage, and built heritage.

NSW Office of Water

DPI Water is responsible for the management of the state's surface water and groundwater resources, and reports to the NSW Government on water policy and the administration of legislation such as the Water Management Act 2000 and Water Act 1912.

The NSW Office of Water plays a major role in algal management, research and regional algal coordination. More details on this can be found at:


NSW Fisheries

DPI Fisheries is responsible for freshwater to marine aquatic areas, including recreation and commercial fishing, as well as compliance, research, aquaculture, biosecurity, habitat management and Marine Protected Areas.

There’s lots of helpful information on their website, including freshwater pests at:

National Parks and Wildlife Service


Park management in National Parks and Wildlife Reserves, and outdoor education activities and walks.


National links



Web address

Australian Water Association

National Water Week event coordination


Australian Citizen Science Association

Working towards advancing citizen science through sharing of knowledge, collaboration, capacity building and advocacy for citizen science.

Department of the Environment & Energy


The Department designs and implements the Australian Government’s policies and programmes to protect and conserve the environment, water and heritage and promote climate action.


Murray Darling Basin Authority


The Murray–Darling Basin Authority is responsible for planning the integrated management of water resources of the vast Murray–Darling Basin

Waterwatch support

  • NSW Waterwatch is supported through a range of partnerships through local, regional and state government agencies and non-government organisations. These partnerships enhance the involvement of local people in monitoring local projects and activities that may directly or indirectly, impact on water quality and catchment health. However, levels of support for NSW Waterwatch do vary across NSW.

  • 'Streamwatch is included in the NSW Waterwatch and delivered by the Australian Museum for the Sydney metropolitan & basin areas.'

  • Links with the scientific community ensure that the methods used by Waterwatch participants are suitable, accurate and reliable.

  • NSW Waterwatch representatives are part of the national Waterwatch Australia Network. This network promotes the sharing of tools and resources to enhance community involvement in Waterwatch as a citizen science program. Each Australian State supports Waterwatch slightly differently.